All Day - School Age

All Day - School Age

All Day - School Age

All Locations
1/20/25 - 1/20/25

The Titusville YMCA is now offering full day, school age child care for students in grades K-6 during some of the days that the TASD is not in session.

Hours: 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Cost: $20 per day (10% sibling discount for each sibling)

Breakfast, lunch, and snack provided!

Children must be pre-enrolled for fee based services.

If your child is not enrolled in in the YMCA’s 21st CCLC program, please fill out the School Age Child Care Enrollment Form and return it to the YMCA. An enrollment form must be completed, signed and turned in before services are provided.

Registration Information  

Open Close Register At MemberNon-Member
9/23/24 6/6/25 Online / Front Desk $ 20.00$ 20.00

Available Sessions
