Youth Gym & Fitness (Ages 8-15)
Complete your Wellness Center Orientation with a Y staff member and enjoy some free time in the gym! During the course of the program, participants will learn fitness etiquette, rules of the Wellness Center and YMCA, how to properly use cardio and resistance training machines, complete different workouts, and have some free time to play in the gym! During the program, the parent has the opportunity to also meet with a Y Wellness staff member to gain an understanding of the rules and expectations for their children using the Wellness Center.
Upon completion of the program and both the participant and parent signing the agreement, the participant will have completed their Wellness Center Orientation and will have access to using the YMCA Wellness Center!
YMCA Wellness Center Age Requirements
Ages 8-10
- Must be accompanied by a parent/guardian at all times in the Wellness Center
- During the Youth Gym & Fitness program, a parent does not need to be present – they will be supervised by a Y staff member
- May only use cardio equipment (treadmills, ellipticals, bikes, AMTs, etc.)
- Must go through an orientation with a Wellness Center staff member and sign an agreement with rules and expectations (parent & child must sign)
- Must wear appropriate wristband when using the Wellness Center
Age 11-12
- May use cardio equipment and resistance training machines
- Free weight room is off limits
- Must go through an orientation with a Wellness Center staff member and sign an agreement with rules and expectations (parent & child must sign)
- Must wear appropriate wristband when using the Wellness Center
Age 13+
- May use cardio equipment, resistance training machines, and free weight room
- Must adhere to all rules and expectations of the Wellness Center & YMCA